Case Studies

Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital

The Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital Elevator Foundation job, located in Chicago, Illinois, was situated in the lower sub-level of the hospital. The job site was approximately 15’ below ground surface with a limited height ceiling of 15’ to water jet our points. We were dealing with three different layers of sandy, silty, gravel mix surrounded by hard clay. We used 14’ wellpoints and taped the ends to make sure we captured the layers, allowing us to get the best performance out of our system.

There were two other subcontractors working in unison with us, so our footprint to complete our work was limited. We had to position our equipment outside and run our jetting hoses through various points in the outside walls of the hospital. We accomplished all this while working in a noise restricted area as well. We also secured a 24/7 Operator Pump Watch on this project start to finish. We used our Mersino staff to perform the system monitoring.

Boldt Construction, as well as the hospital’s engineers and staff, commented positively on our operators’ manners, safe working conditions, and cleanliness.

Safety was a major concern with the hospital staff and project engineers. Our biggest challenge was discharging our drawdown water up to a storm drain custom fitted to a flange with an incline lift of 15′. We discharged the groundwater from the wellpoint pump into the first sediment box, then into the second sediment box fitted with two 3SUB5 submersible pumps. A float system finally pushed the discharge water up the 15′ lift and out to the catch basin storm drain, outside near the street. All of our equipment was hard wired through a power source provided by the hospital maintenance staff.

Boldt Construction, as well as the hospital engineers and staff, commented positively on our operators’ manners, safe working conditions and cleanliness. Boldt was impressed with our efforts to install this system with their space constraints, as well as our ability to devise a discharge system which worked seamlessly.

Project Contact:
Jim Rechenmacher
Boldt Construction Co.
630.391.1187 Project Value: